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UFT to ALM issue

We have a user who has been given admin access to a Windows 10 VDI.

He launched ALM and downloaded the HP Connectivity Tool as well as registering the HP ALM Client on the VDI.

Next he ran UFT as an admin and successfully connected to our instance of ALM.

When he tries to run a test however he gets this error:


"Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {A570910D-F00F-4C36-A2F7-0DFA48CF8FFF}

failed due to the following error: 80080005 Server execution failed (Exception from HRESULT 0x80080005 (CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE)

The user has TDAdmin access to the ALM project.


How can we resolve this issue?


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    On another thread I found a suggestion..


    UFT Tools -> Options GUI Testing and ensure "Allow other HP Products to run tests and components" is ticked.

    I ticked this and asked the user to retry. But he still gets the same error.

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    User can now connect to the project in ALM from UFT but gets this error message when trying to run an iteration...


    Unified Functional Testing error: Unable to connect the testing tool to the requested ALM/QC server. Error from Unified Functional Testing.


    This only has become an issue since the user's VDI was upgraded to Win 10 from Win 7.

    We also recently upgraded ALM from 12.21 patch 2 to 12.21 patch 7.


    Has anyone else experienced these types of issues?

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    hi, there

    Please kindly raise a support case to Microfocus to follow up on this case.

