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OpenText™︎ Functional Testing CE 24.4: What's New

by   in DevOps Cloud

OpenTextTm UFT One is now OpenTextTm Functional Testing! 

The OpenText functional testing team is proud to announce OpenText Functional Testing CE 24.4, the latest version of our AI-powered functional test automation solution. Aside from its new name, this release is packed with enhancements designed to improve the efficiency and capabilities of GUI, web, AI-based, mobile, and terminal emulator testing. 

So, what’s new in OpenText Functional Testing? 

GUI testing 

  • Spy, record, and run tests on SAP applications that are based on SAP UI5 Web Components.
  • Train the ABBYY OCR engine to identify unusual or unclear characters in your application.
  • Identify rich editor controls in applications like Notepad and Microsoft Outlook as WinEditor test objects to enable more precise text editing operations. 

Web and AI-based testing 

  • Achieve better AI-based object identification with an improved AI Object Model.
  • Support various methods like automatic scrolling and different click actions in AI-based testing on Headless Chrome.
  • Support SetText and SetSecureText methods for AIObjects in native mobile apps. 

Mobile testing 

  • Add steps to resize the remote access window during mobile tests, with methods like MaximizeViewer, MinimizeViewer, and RestoreViewer. 

Terminal emulator testing 

  • Retrieve and check the color and background color of text on terminal emulator monitors using the TeField.Color and TeField.BackgroundColor properties.
  • Simulate pressing numpad keys during tests on terminal emulators using VT emulation. 

Test batch runner 

  • Save test results in separate subfolders to prevent overwriting when running tests consecutively via the Test Batch Runner from a command line. 

Your voice, our inspiration 

Many of these exciting advancements were directly inspired by your feedback. Keep those great ideas coming! Visit the OpenText Functional Testing idea exchange to access and submit your ideas. 

Dive deeper

Ready to unlock the full potential of OpenText Functional Testing CE 24.4? 

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Let OpenText Functional Testing CE 24.4 empower you and optimize your software testing strategy like never before!


Functional Testing for Developers
Functional Testing Lab for Mobile and Web
Functional Testing