3 min read time

Introducing ALM Octane 16.0.200

by in DevOps Cloud

New Release for Analytics-Focused, End-to-End Visibility and Continuous Quality

ALM Octane 16.0.200 - From planning and release management to continuous integration and test automation, the new ALM Octane 16.0.200 release includes features and enhancements that provide insight, traceability, analytics-focused end-to-end visibility, and continuous quality.

ALM Octane integrates various sources of information to connect all the dots and provide a clear and unified view across all delivery chains, processes, tools, and teams. ALM Octane is an Agile and DevOps quality management solution that also integrates with open source and third-party tools to support planning, analytics, end-to-end traceability, and reporting.

For the complete list of new features, please visit What's New in 16.0.200, visit the new release web page, or watch the new release video:

Pipelines and Integrations

Cross-Pipeline Test Results

When viewing test results in a pipeline, there is now visibility into the results of the same test in other pipelines as well.

Business Rules on Vulnerabilities

Apply business rules to security vulnerabilities and close the loop with the security scanning tool.

Integration Enhancements

  • Inject automated Gherkin test results using the Azure DevOps extension integration.
  • ALM Octane now supports integration with Fortify on Demand plugin version 6.1.0.


Release Processes

Release Process Auto Actions

Automate your process actions and trigger jobs on a Jenkins server in a release process auto-action.

Backlog and Quality

Custom Backlog Ranks

New ranking method allows for the assignment of fixed ranks to backlog items.

Story Board Enhancements

Team leads can now add team-specific phases to a team's story board and drag stories to the custom lanes.

Customize cards to display what you want to see via the field of choice.

BDD Enhancements

  • Autocomplete BDD phrases. Reuse existing BDD steps with an autocomplete mechanism.
  • Extended BDD support for multiple environments and versions. Inject test results from all common BDD frameworks, without requiring any changes to the code.

ALM Octane Sidebar Plugins

A whole new way to customize ALM Octane. Develop plugins for ALM Octane and display them in custom sidebars alongside grids. The plugins can interact with the grid items.

OData reports for Multiple Workspaces

OData reports can now include data from multiple workspaces in the same shared space.

*Measure Waste (technical preview)

Now track and measure waste time for features and epics. This helps to determine the scope of waste per specific phase, release, or team.

*Define epic Values (technical preview)

Now track epics' perceived and actual business values. This helps to prioritize epics based on the value they deliver, and determine the gap between the initial and final estimation of an epic.

*Disclaimer: 'Measure Waste' and 'Define Epic Values' features may not be part of the ALM Octane Pro or ALM Octane Enterprise editions in future releases.


Data Access Control for Requirements

Data access (or “data hiding”) control is now available for requirements. This is in addition to data access control on defects and manual tests.

Define Workspace-Level Workflow (Enterprise Edition Only)

Administrators can now set transitions and phases at the workspace level.

Additional Resources:

For the complete list of new features, please visit What's New in 16.0.200, visit the new release web page, or watch the new release video:


Application Lifecycle Management