Idea ID: 2864331

Recycle bin for Quality Center

Status: Delivered

Delivered in ALM/Quality Center 24.1

See status update history

It will be a great help to have a Recycle bin QC to recover any accidental deletion from users.


  •   You're right, that happens from time to time.

    But by now the testdesigners are getting more careful. Our method in doing regressions tests for multiple cycles is to copy a tree with testsets and remove some old testinstances. That's much easier, than creating all testsets from scratch.

  •   You're right, that happens from time to time.

    But by now the testdesigners are getting more careful. Our method in doing regressions tests for multiple cycles is to copy a tree with testsets and remove some old testinstances. That's much easier, than creating all testsets from scratch.

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