Idea ID: 2864331

Recycle bin for Quality Center

Status: Delivered

Delivered in ALM/Quality Center 24.1

See status update history

It will be a great help to have a Recycle bin QC to recover any accidental deletion from users.


  •  Be careful with allowing deletion of test lab folders (eg. can they delete folders with test sets in them? delete multiple releases at the same time?). 

    Also consider giving users who have delete access a more detailed confirm message (eg. "Are you sure? Deleting this folder will also delete X test sets, Y test instances, Z runs"). Once had an admin make that mistake and delete a few weeks worth of testing results.

  •  Be careful with allowing deletion of test lab folders (eg. can they delete folders with test sets in them? delete multiple releases at the same time?). 

    Also consider giving users who have delete access a more detailed confirm message (eg. "Are you sure? Deleting this folder will also delete X test sets, Y test instances, Z runs"). Once had an admin make that mistake and delete a few weeks worth of testing results.

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