Idea ID: 2874601

Category texts in the graphs are not fully visible.

Status: Delivered

Category texts in the graphs are not fully visible in the new ALM version. This used to work differently in ALM 12.60. 

Test managers and project managers are often taking screenshots of graphs to steering groups or to higher management so texts should be visible.

The options to us are

  • Either fix the text to be seen in longer format in graphs.
  • Or offer the option to by ALM project level to be able to switch between new way and old way.
    • This could be something similar e.g. you have already now in place with Dashboard pages (there the user can switch between Display modes
    • Or if there could be an option to in ALM project level to control which graph you would like to use.


  • Hover on top of the bar and you will see the full label. Some labels are long, if showing the entire label then you will have smaller area to display the graph. The graph is mainly used for displaying the graph itself, so in the new view we enhanced it. Actually, if you look at the old graph view, in this case, its very ugly. The label takes much space on the graph view. 

  • To look the graph from ALM UI and then be able to see the full-length text by hoovering is only one of the use cases how you use ALM graphs.

    Test managers and project managers are often taking reports and graphs out from ALM to steering groups or to higher management and ALM is offering lot of options to support this kind of activity.  And those functions are also heavily used, e.g.

    • You can copy and paste the graph to your document
    • You can also create project reports and include graphs to them

    And the category texts are too short also in these use cases. 

  • To look the graph from ALM UI and then be able to see the full-length text by hoovering is only one of the use cases how you use ALM graphs.

    Test managers and project managers are often taking reports and graphs out from ALM to steering groups or to higher management and ALM is offering lot of options to support this kind of activity.  And those functions are also heavily used, e.g.

    • You can copy and paste the graph to your document
    • You can also create project reports and include graphs to them

    And the category texts are too short also in these use cases. 

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