• Unable to load VAPI-XP-TEST text script to ALM test with REST API

    Using REST API, trying to create a QC test with custom VB script for test type 'VAPI-XP-TEST'. We are able to create test with REST API but not able to attach a custom script with it. Not able to locate any REST API that update the storage resource that…
  • How to update a multi-select field in ALM using REST API / JSON?

    Hello everyone, we are currently trying to import test cases into ALM/QC using REST API / JSON and have a problem setting values into multi-select fields. The variant 1 only inserts 2 first values: "AAA;BBB" { "Fields": [ { "Name": "user-01", "values…
  • How to fetch the Requirements that are stored in Req Coverage Section under each Test Case of Test Plan using REST API?

    I have tried to fetch the requirements that are stored under Req Coverage tab of each test case from test plan. I have below URL to fetch the test case information. https://alm.xxx.xxx.com/qcbin/rest/domains/SOME_DOMAIN/projects/SOME_PROJECT/tests…
  • Cross project MS Excel Report for Test, Test Run, and Defect Counts

    Hi all, I need to create a report that extracts a list of all of our ALM Domain and Project names, and for each one, list out counts the following items: Tot. No. of Tests No. of Manual Tests No. of Automated Tests No. of UFT Tests Tot. No. of Test…
  • Unable to authenticate to Site Admin using the Site Admin API in an ALM 15.5.1 Patch 2 environment with SSO enabled.

    Roddy thanhphan NEW_ALM12 Vladimir Skrbek I am using ALM 15.5.1 Patch 2 with SSO authentication enabled. I want to disable users before performing a specific activity and then re-enable them after the activity is complete. I have registered the Site…
  • Now my organization has enabled Single Sign-on via OKTA to login to HPALM 16 and i am not able to login to ALM via rest api due to this..

    COuld you please help me with right URLs and How to login to HP ALM16 using rest api when SSO via OKTA is enabled with MFA
  • How to view the metadata for defects

    Hi, I'm using rest API to create and update defects, in micro focus rest API document, it is mentioned to hit 'http://myserver:8080 /qcbin/api/domains/DOMAIN_NAME/projects/PROJECT_NAME/Defects/$metadata/fields' whereas it results in 404 not found…
  • Trigger Jenkins Job from ALM Test Run Steps without UFT?

    Is there any way to trigger Jenkins Job from ALM Test Run Steps without using UFT (VBScript), like triggering with REST API?
  • How to take test-set-folder.name from test-sets entity from HP ALM using rest api?

    HI All, I am finding some issue while taking the test-set-folder.name from test-sets entity. The error message says 1. Id and name atrribute is found more than once.. To make it clear. Test-set-folder.name is relation entity to test-set.. there…
  • Checking for open defects at Logout

    Hi, We currently have a SaaS implementation of ALM 15.5.1. We use ALM for tracking defects during go-live events, in addition to the testing events leading up to a go-live. On occasion, the command center managers that are trying to triage these defects…
  • How to Build Treeview in C# with help of ParentID or Hierarchical-path ?

    HI All, I am building UWP application that connects ALM to get the test results from Test LaB.. I want to build a Treeview first , so that when user select the particular path it gives me results from HP ALM Test Lab Below Code is have tried and…
  • REST access to test design steps in specific version of a test

    Hi, I'm running some REST API calls vs our Saas 15.00 ALM instance I'm trying to access the state of design-steps at a previous version of the test. I can do it in the HP ALM by going into the history tab and comparing two , so I know it should be…
  • Read Requirements History Information Via REST API Or SQL

    Hello, in the ALM Explorer there is a tab with information regarding the history of a requirement. Does anyone know how to programmatically read those information via REST API or SQL? We are currently using ALM 12.55. Thanks in advance. D…
  • Automate user manipulation using HP ALM API in Blue Prism

    Hi all, I want to automate the user manipulation process (Create/Delete/Update), using Blue Prism tool. I want to utilize HP ALM REST API to achieve this. I need help regarding: Understand how HP ALM REST API works. If any prior permissions…
  • Building ALM API without the use of MS Excel? What other options would you suggest?

    Hi everyone, I have access to an MS Excel macro that taps into the ALM API to do tasks such as adding ALM users in bulk, extracting a list of users (along with their email addresses, user group assignments, etc.) from a specified ALM project, create…
  • ALM REST API test-parameters

    Hi, Is there a way to get and update the actual values in the parameters of a test instance?
  • One ALM/QC API session shows up as lots of connections in site admin

    I'm looking after a python script that interacts with QC (recording automated test results), and noticed that sometimes in site admin under "Connections", the same connection shows up lots of times (up to about 60 times). Other times the same job shows…
  • Rest API Complains About Duplicates

    Environment: ALM Oracle Database 11g ( Problem I have a unit test that creates 200 requirements in ALM using the REST API. It's a for-loop. For every iteration a POST request is sent. Every requirement to create is named "requirement…
  • want to get ALM defect data using rest api with the help of automated script.

    Hi All, I wanted to automate a script which brings the alm defect data , and save it to my location and in excel , i have created a javascript program which call the rest api but i am getting CORS error i am doing it on notepad directly and could you…
  • ALM Rest API to extract metric data using filter and cross filters which are done in Analysis view

    Hello All, I am trying to automate the process of fetching the results which are based on Analysis view filter/crossfilter queries on projects. I want to automate this process where user can provide the project name & date range with other filters. Can…
  • 401 return code from POST to QC

    I'am new in ALM. I just read some guides from REST API and try to repeat this. But I face up to the situation. In my last request I have 401 return (User not authenticated). What am I doing wrong? import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth…
  • RE: Trouble uploading a test script using REST API /Scripts feature

    Hi do you have a request for authentication? I am trying it but it failing with following message here is the request headers = {'Authorization':'Basic', 'username':'some1', 'password': 'no1'} r = requests.get('hostname:8080/.../authenticate', params…
  • Update Test Execution Staus Using C# Rest API JSON

    I have to update test execution status in HP QC ALM 12.53 using Rest API Hardcoding the existing cycle id and test id in URL I have written below code: var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string json = serializer.Serialize(new { Type = "test…
  • How to find Test coverage and covered test status for a requirement using REST API in ALM?

    i would want to get the status of the test case covered for a requirement. how this can e achieved using REST API?
  • ALM 12 REST API throws "Missing required field: parent-id for entity test"

    Hello everyone, I'm exploring the ALM REST API and have serious trouble when creating a test. A POST request was sent to ".../qcbin/rest/domains/{domain}/projects/{project}/tests" with the following content: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone…