• How to fetch the Requirements that are stored in Req Coverage Section under each Test Case of Test Plan using REST API?

    I have tried to fetch the requirements that are stored under Req Coverage tab of each test case from test plan. I have below URL to fetch the test case information. https://alm.xxx.xxx.com/qcbin/rest/domains/SOME_DOMAIN/projects/SOME_PROJECT/tests…
  • how to load test config to test coverage in requirements (Using Excel macro)

    At this company we do things backwards. To make a long story short. I have requirements with a field that shows all the test numbers that are covering it. I am able to convert those numbers in an automated way to test config id's or test config names…
  • Extract the total number of requirements in a folder

    Hello, I need some help in pulling the number of requirements in a particular folder. In my organization, the requirements module has multiple levels of nesting. For eg. Requirements -> Release X -> Team X -> Application X -> Requirement Type…
  • Query to pull a report from ALM 12.55, Test Instances that are passed along with the requirements details that are linked to it

    Query to pull a report from ALM 12.55, Test Instances that are passed along with the requirements details that are linked to it
  • How to get Requirement Details for a Test Case in Test Lab via OTA API

    Hi There, I would like to fetch Requirement Fields (like ID/Requirement Name) for a given test case in Test Lab. Please let me know how to achieve this via HP ALM OTA API. Note: I am using VBA Excel Macros to fetch the data.
  • How to export Parent and Child requirement relationship in a single ALM report?

    Hello, Let us say, I've a Requirement B, which has the following relationship with: Requirement A --> Parent/Trace From and Requirement C --> Child/Trace To. Using Traceability Matrix option on Requirements module of ALM, I'm able to configure and generate…
  • How to copy and paste a requirement

    Hi All, How to copy and paste a requirement, & while pasting want to modify an requirement field. is it possible do so. I tried having a trigger placed on trigger Table, but gets "ORA-06519: active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back" exception…
  • Update Requirement name using API

    Hi, Thanks for your interest in my topic :-) My customer has, made some correction in the requirement name, and we have >500 requirements not all need to be updated. Doing that via GUI, will take forever. I plan to make an extract to excel with req id…
  • How to trigger email notifications for new requirements via Excel import add-ins or Copy/Paste

    How to get email notifications when importing new requirements via Excel import add-ins or by Copy/Paste of requirements?
  • Is it possible to upload requirements into existing folder of QC using word Add-in?

    Is it possible to upload requirements into existing folder of QC using word Add-in? I am able to upload child requirements under folder(folder created at the same time), but not able to figure out how to upload in a folder or a specific path which is…
  • Cut and Paste of Requirements retains wrong review Status....

    I have a need to set the Review Status of a Requirement to "New" when a new requirement is pasted from an existing one. Currently the status is always set to the same as the requirement you are copying from. What I thought of doing was this: 1) In ActionCanExecute…
  • Error Adding a custom field in Quality center 12 via REST call.

    I am trying to Create an Requirement In QC 12 via REST call. I can create an Requirement which have no custom field value in them. but when i am giving the rest call with the value of custom field its giving an error saying "Field doesnot exists." although…
  • QC is removing the wrong traceability

    We are using QC11.0 and observed that there is a problem with removing traceability in Requirements. These are the steps we took to replicat ethe problem. Please let me know if anyone have seen this before and took any steps to resolve it. In requirements…
  • RE: Requirements Traceability using Excel Report Generator

    Hi I had the same problem but it was solved with some help. in line where (red) choose the type of requirment that is the main trace to trace from ( system requirement) SELECT ft.rt_FROM_REQ_ID as 'ID From', /*Requirement.Req ID*/ fr.rq_REQ_NAME "Trace…
  • RE: Requirements Traceability using Excel Report Generator

    Hi I had the same problem but it was solved with some help. in line where (red) choose the type of requirment that is the main trace to trace from ( system requirement) SELECT ft.rt_FROM_REQ_ID as 'ID From', /*Requirement.Req ID*/ fr.rq_REQ_NAME "Trace…
  • RE: Requirements Traceability using Excel Report Generator

    Hi I had the same problem but it was solved with some help. in line where (red) choose the type of requirment that is the main trace to trace from ( system requirement) SELECT ft.rt_FROM_REQ_ID as 'ID From', /*Requirement.Req ID*/ fr.rq_REQ_NAME "Trace…
  • Fail status propagate to requirement through traceability

    Fellow sufferers! Example: Requirement A - Requirement B - Test T Test T failed, so Requirement B gets status 'Failed' in ALM. Great. But: Requirement A has status 'Not Covered'. I would have thought it would inherit the status of the requirement that…
  • Document Template with Requirement values

    Hey guys :) I have to create a Document Template for Project Reports which needs to include values from Requirements. These values are needed for the cover sheet and the headers on each page. I don't want to create Custom Fields which i have to fill by…
  • Update custom field value of a Requirement using C#

    Hi i would like to updtae cumtom of field a Requirement using C# here in my code IReqFactory REQ_Factory = (ReqFactory)ALMConn.ReqFactory; IReq REQ = (Req)REQ_Factory.AddItem(System.DBNull.Value); REQ.Name = "Test1"; REQ["RQ_User_20"] = "custom data";…
  • QC 10 auto populate the Rich Text field of a Requirement

    How can I auto populate the requirement Rich Text field? Ultimately, I would like to embed tables to be completed by the end user when they create a New requirement. I am using HTML and VBScript changes with the Workflow to alter the Comment field upon…
  • QC 11 Test Plan Modified field Updated on View; Requirement Modified field Updated on View

    I have a defect I'm chasing with HP, and meeting resistance: In certain records, the "Modified" field changes for Test Plans and Requirements, when I am simply VIEWING the record. It occurs when I make the "History" tab the active screen; and the Modified…
  • Uploading a requirement's description using REST API

    Hello, When I pull up a requirement using a URL (http://{server:port}/qcbin/rest/domains/{domain}/projects/{project}/requirements/465), 465 being the requirement ID number, I get an XML file representing the requirement. If I look up the field where the…
  • Linking requirements to scripts en masse

    Is there a way to do link requirements to scripts in bulk? i.e. a reference field that can be included on the script upload? Basically, I'm looking for anything more efficient than linking one-by-one.