• ALM Version 24.0 Excel Report SELECT All Testssteps does not show all steps

    Hi guys, i have some troubles with the database of our qc. When i'm trying to select all steps i get only a few steps but not all. I checked this by looking in testplan. My code is only SELECT * FROM STEP. Is there a hidden filter or a relation for steps…
  • ALM 17.0.1 project database - where to get latest up to date document version?

    We are evaluating ALM 17.0.1 version at the moment. From where I can get the up to date version of database tables related to this version? I think from this site you are redirected now to quite old database information: Project Database Reference…
  • ALM /QC 11.5 to 12.5 Upgrade issue

    Hi All, We are dealing with some old version of ALM/QC. We need to upgrade some sunset projects from a sunset version 11.5 to ALM 15.5 for some audit purpose. First step we need to upgrade it to ALM QC 12.5. Couple of projects give following exception…
  • From a Windows database to a Linux database

    Our customer wants to upgrading from ALM 12.5X to 16.00 and has gone from a Windows database to a Linux database. When trying to install ALM 16.0 in the new server, upgrading siteadmin schema, the wizard shows two warnings . and does not let you…
  • Run Test Sets on multiple hosts using OTA

    Hi, I need to run all instances in a Test Set using OTA. According to documentation ( https://admhelp.microfocus.com/alm/api_refs/ota/Content/ota/topic216.html ), 3 ways are possible: RUN_LOCAL --> in current machine RUN_REMOTE --> in a remote…
  • Accidentally Deleted "Requirements" Root Folder via Database

    (Using ALM 11.0) Hello, I accidentally deleted all requirements via the database ("DELETE FROM REQ"). This also deleted the "Requirements" root folder with ID = 0. Now I cannot create any requirements using the ALM Explorer UI anymore (see attached screenshot…
  • ALM 12.60 installation Problem

    Hey, for past 3 days i have been having problem with the ALM 12.60 installation. I already installed MS SQL server Evaluation Edition 2017. and already created a user at login tab. However when i tried to input it to ALM 12.60 installation it still gives…
  • <QC/ALM Support tip> Schema comparison between ALM 11, 11.50, 12 and 12.20

    Hi, This article shows the comparison between the schema structure, from database perspective, on the diferent ALM versions. In The Excel file attached, you will see the new tables and views that appears in the succesive releases. The file contains two…
  • Quality Center 10.00 - Failed to Export Project error

    Hi Everyone, I could use some help with the following issue; Quality Center: 10.00 Patch Level: 7 We are trying to migrate projects into an archive and the following error is returning when attempting export a project: Messages: Failed to Export Project;…
  • <QC/ALM Support Tip> Automatic SGA Memory Management (AMM)

    Hi all, The Oracle database cache is configured primarily with four system parameters: • DB_CACHE_SIZE • SHARED_POOL_SIZE • LARGE_POOL_SIZE • JAVA_POOL_SIZE Oracle 10 introduces an Automatic SGA Memory Management (AMM) option. As database administrator…
  • HP ALM Distributed instance installation using Oracle Database in Linux.

    Hi All, I have installed Oracle Database server and Oracle Database client in two seperate machines and I am trying to install HP ALM 11.52 to machine where Oracle Database client resides. After giving the Database connection parameters it throws a "Failed…
  • Add new field that ties to release module

    This question has been asked but since HP has upgraded the forum I cannot get to the answer. QC provides 4 drop down fields that tie back to the release module. Release / Cycle detected and Target Release /Cycle. I know it possible to take a BG_USER field…
  • Gradual Upgrade process for ALM

    Hi everyone, Right now I'm feeling like a complete idiot. I've been fighting with our upgrade in our test environment from v10 of QC to v11 ALM. Today, I find the upgrade best practices document and read about the "Gradual Upgrade". If I would have known…
  • RE: Fields in View Order of Set Filter / Sort in Test Lab - QC 9.2

    Hi, Is it possible for QTP to pull test data from an oracle or mysql database? Thanks covenantis