• ALM unable to connect to uft host - testing hosts has reached limit of logged in users

    I am trying to connect my ALM (17.1) to UFT one but when i try to "check host" or run an automation script, the actions fails with the following error Finished with errors. Check Host has failed on all purposes: Lab Service failed to log in as XXXX…
  • How to make test asset unlocked while having it open in UFT One?

    Hi everyone, I have a test script open in UFT and try to change connected to the script data table stored in Test Resources. It says it is locked by my user. So I have to completely close the script in UFT one so I can edit data table. This is pretty…
  • Update Test resource data table with run time value from UFT One

    I have a data table stored as a test resource and connected to UFT One script as Resources -> Data Table in Settings. I would like my script to write into this table with runtime values and read them again in other steps of the script. I know it is…
  • Is possible duplicate or copy test sets templates from ALM using a Jenkins job?

    We are looking for a way to duplicate or copy the test sets we have in ALM but using a Jenkins job or even a Jenkins plugin. The idea we have in mind is to duplicate/copy test sets that we have as templates in ALM with their corresponding execution…
  • Uploading project lists in ALM using OTA via a UFT script

    HI all, I want to use the ALM Open Test Architecture (OTA) APIs to upload project lists into a specified ALM project(s). Unfortunately, however, my company blocks the use of MS Excel macros, and they aren't too keen on us running .VBS files from a command…
  • ALM Testing Hosts - Check Host fails on every first try after Server is idle for a while

    Hi There, I got a coupple of Testing Agents I use for Testing with ALM and UFT. Lab Services are running on every Server and everything is correctly configured. Now, when the Server is Idle for a while (10min), something strange happens and ALM cannot…
  • Unable to check in UFT One 2022 code in ALM 11.52v and receiving Connection Fuse Exceeded Issue

    Hi All, We have UFT Test Scripts which have been developed in UFT 12.54version and available in ALM 11.52 version. Now when we try to update/modify the UFT Scripts in UFT One 2022 and while trying check in ALM 11.52 , we are receiving "Connection…
  • 'Warning' status for a test in ALM Test Lab

    Hello, I am currently using ALM to run UFT One tests launched by an Azure DevOps extension and, whenever I run a test that generates a warning, my test's result is retrieved as Passed . Therefore, whenever I am running a suite of tests, I have no…
  • Issue with Admin access when executed from Jenkins

    Kindly help me with the below issue related to alm connectivity for executing UFT automation testscripts from jenkins. Step 1: Setup Jenkins slave on one machine which doesn't have admin access. For this I tried to get temporary admin access for the windows…