• Do you know how do I run SQL against Oracle out of a Test?

    Hi There, a developer sent me a quite interessing request! He builds database structures in our data ware house based on Oracle and the specialist division write SQL code as Test Step in ALM (17.01). Each Test contains one Test Step and a defined…
  • We are seeing a DB connection error occurring every 10min to database and causing login issue

    Hi Team, We are seeing below error from ALM server at regualr frequency and causing the login failures/connection issues into ALM. Please can you provide any fix for this issue? Failed to obtain a connection to schema 'default_lab_project_db'. com…
  • Cross project MS Excel Report for Test, Test Run, and Defect Counts

    Hi all, I need to create a report that extracts a list of all of our ALM Domain and Project names, and for each one, list out counts the following items: Tot. No. of Tests No. of Manual Tests No. of Automated Tests No. of UFT Tests Tot. No. of Test…
  • SQL query to find bugs that are in Closed status ,but have associated test cases

    Hi All. I'm trying to generate a report in ALM version 16.0.1 : To find bugs that are in Closed status ,but have associated test cases (Test Instance IDs and Test Name from Test Lab) in 'No run' or 'Failed' or 'Blocked' status To find Test Instance…
  • How do I integrate HP ALM with PowerBI

    Hello All, I am trying to integrate HP ALM to PowerBI for reporting defects and their trends. Based on my research we can use the underlying SQL statements from business view excel reports, can someone please help me to understand the whole process…
  • Column name 'BG_HAS_CHANGESET_LINK' does not exist in the target table or view.

    Hi All, In project repair process we received the below error and even Microfocus Expert is unable to provide solution in time. Anyone can help me on this. Error: [Mercury][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Column name 'BG_HAS_CHANGESET_LINK' does…
  • ALM Projects with Users and User Group Assignments

    Hi everyone, Before I ask my question(s), let me give you some information to consider when trying to answer. I am running ALM/QC 16.0.1 P1 (Build 219), Software as a Service (SaaS). Also note that the tool of choice for building reports at my organization…
  • Export Design Steps for Test Cases in a Specific Test Plan Folder (or all tests in a Parent folder)

    Hello, Could someone please help me filter tests from their subject folders or parent folders? I am finding it quite a pain to have to find the Test IDs of the tests I need to export. The query below works fine. However, I would like to filter in…
  • How Can we trace moving TestSet

    Hello, Someone have moved all our TestSets to the Unattached directory :( How can I do to know (user)who moved our TestsSet pleaseeeeeeeee? Thank you
  • Attachment Reports in ALM

    Hi, I have been trying to fetch a Attachment Report from ALM. All I need to know is the set of TCs in my Release/Cycle which do not have attachment (neither at Test case or Run Level). I was able to get onto a query for this , and then figured out…
  • How to delete all "Not Passed" runs from a folder in Test lab using SQL

    hi, How can I delete all failed, Not completed test runs from test labs from a test set This test set usually contains 5 folders. Please share the fastest way to complete this activity. I am new to ALM and need a detail step by step explanation…
  • Read Requirements History Information Via REST API Or SQL

    Hello, in the ALM Explorer there is a tab with information regarding the history of a requirement. Does anyone know how to programmatically read those information via REST API or SQL? We are currently using ALM 12.55. Thanks in advance. D…
  • ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected

    Hi Guys, I am getting the error 'ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected' for the below query, can anyone give suggestion that why I am getting this error. basically this query generates the excel report from Test Plan folder. Data base is…
  • Need Oracle SQL help to retrieve data from ALM DB's

    Hello, I am hoping that someone can help me with a query in Oracle to extract some specific data. I am trying to create a query that will be able to access the site admin db along with all of the project dbs. I have an account that has privileges for…
  • Test Execution status (all days)

    Dears, in the ALM QC 12, were a report called "Test runs status (all days)" which showed all the tests from the start of UAT to the end with the calendar days. In ALM 15, it shows just the status in the running date and dont show a calendar from the…
  • Test Run MS Excel Report Help Needed

    Hello All, I need to create an MS Excel report that, for a specified Test Cycle, shows me a list of any tests that were executed where the test step was marked as 'Script Error' (a custom step status field choice). When the data comes back it should…
  • Converting MS SQL based MS Excel reports to Oracle

    Hi All, Is there an easier way to convert old MS Excel report queries that were originally written when I had a MS SQL database for ALM to Oracle SQL? So far the only way we have been able to get them to work is to painstakingly go through all of…
  • How do I open the SQL editor in ALM?

    Many years ago I used a client/server instance of HPQC and I could use SQL to query my test cases, test steps, & test runs. There used to be a HPQC data model conveniently located in the help section. Now I'm using ALM/Quality Center for the first time…
  • Querry to fetch Test run report (failed, no run, passed ecc) with the Test name (Subject) and the test run date

    Dears, I kindly ask your support for a query that shows the Test run report (failed, no run, passed ecc) with the Test name (Subject) and the test run date. Thank you and best regards Albi
  • A query to give the count of design steps for a particular test or a folder

    Hello, Can anyone please suggest me the ways to get the total number of design steps for a particular test folder in Test Plan module. The version of ALM is 15.01 Thanks in advance. Sneha.
  • looking for the sql query for DEFECT excel report contains

    I am new in Hp ALM ,this is request from someone , I need [Defect ID, Summary, Status , Attachment with last uploaded date, name of attachment and uploaded by whom, Comments], with additional column i have to validate with help of comments in defect…
  • ALM 15.5 installation - failed to validate database parameters

    Hi, ALM app server: Windows Server 2016, 16GB RAM ALM DB server: Windows server 2012 Standard R2 64 Bit MS SQL 2014, RAM 12 GB ALM 15.5 new installation in Windows server with DB shared with ALM 12.6, so DB connection is working. During the ALM installation…
  • ALM11 : cant activate USER by SQL query

    Hi I would like use SQL procedure to create a lot of users account. insert user into USERS table : OK INSERT INTO .[USERS] ([USER_ID],[USER_NAME],[FULL_NAME],[EMAIL],[ACC_IS_ACTIVE],[US_IS_ACTIVE],[[USER_PASSWORD],LAST_UPDATE) VALUES ((select MAX([USER_ID…
  • ALM Database upgrade (SQL2008 to SQL2012)

    We are using ALM 12.01 patch 2 , SQL server 2008 DB team wants to migrate to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP2 on same sever. I have ensured all entities are checked-in and DB has been backed up before DB upgrade. Kindly let me know any other action items…
  • To verify that defects have been raised against Failed/Blocked Test Cases

    Hi all, For audit purpose i need to get data of Test Cases that are failed/blocked but don't have any defect linked for them. As an input i will provide the Test Set Folder (CF_ITEM_NAME) for which i will be checking this. Is this possible via ALM Query…