• ALM unable to connect to uft host - testing hosts has reached limit of logged in users

    I am trying to connect my ALM (17.1) to UFT one but when i try to "check host" or run an automation script, the actions fails with the following error Finished with errors. Check Host has failed on all purposes: Lab Service failed to log in as XXXX…
  • Workflow to change Detected on Date to current date on the new Defect created on COPY AND PASTE of existing Defect.

    Not finding much information on COPY and PASTE of a Defect in Desktop Client workflow commands/syntax. I have looked at 'Sub Defects_Bug_New' workflow and tried adding something to this effect.. Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTION_DATE").Value=Cstr(Now()) but this…
  • ALM & MS Teams Integration

    I am in the early stages of integrating ALM and Teams, but the Azure team is asking if ALM requires Delegated Access or App-Only Access . Can anyone answer this question? I reached out to a support engineer at MF/OT, but they didn't know. I am using ALM…
  • ALM Quality Center - How to change username?

    I have searched the docs and community here and have not found anything younger that 14 years ago and very old versions of ALM that are related to username change. I am thinking there has to be some way to do this and retain all links to the QC data the…
  • Cross project MS Excel Report for Test, Test Run, and Defect Counts

    Hi all, I need to create a report that extracts a list of all of our ALM Domain and Project names, and for each one, list out counts the following items: Tot. No. of Tests No. of Manual Tests No. of Automated Tests No. of UFT Tests Tot. No. of Test…
  • ALM 16.01 - Forgot password link is removed in Outlook mail (365), but is present when using the Outlook App.

    Hi All We have an issue with the forgot password link. When a mail with the password reset link is send and opened in a Web version of Outlook - ( https://outlook.office.com/mail/ ), the link is removed: But when the same mail is opened in…
  • ALM /QC 11.5 to 12.5 Upgrade issue

    Hi All, We are dealing with some old version of ALM/QC. We need to upgrade some sunset projects from a sunset version 11.5 to ALM 15.5 for some audit purpose. First step we need to upgrade it to ALM QC 12.5. Couple of projects give following exception…
  • ALM Calculation

    Hi Everyone, I have another request that I am trying to work out a solution for that I wanted to run past you. I have been asked to stand up an ALM project and configure the Defect module form such that it can be used to review and audit change tickets…
  • how to load test config to test coverage in requirements (Using Excel macro)

    At this company we do things backwards. To make a long story short. I have requirements with a field that shows all the test numbers that are covering it. I am able to convert those numbers in an automated way to test config id's or test config names…
  • Using ALM APIs to generate a JSON Payload

    Hi, I am trying to integrate ALM with a corporate communications tool that our organization uses to page support personnel in the off hours. The idea would be that when a new defect is logged in ALM, and when the 'Resolution Team' field is populated…
  • ALM/Quality Centre

    Hi I would like to explore ALM 16 version. As of now ALM octane is available in Trail version not other ALM available. Can someone help how i can get trail version of 16 or previous ALM. And any credentials which i can use to login as admin or user…
  • ALM Projects with Users and User Group Assignments

    Hi everyone, Before I ask my question(s), let me give you some information to consider when trying to answer. I am running ALM/QC 16.0.1 P1 (Build 219), Software as a Service (SaaS). Also note that the tool of choice for building reports at my organization…
  • Customize Requirements email content

    We are using ALM 15.5. Is there a way to customize the content of the ALM generated email send from the Requirements module? We want to remove some of the data fields in the email and add other data fields, e.g., Comments, and other user defined fields…
  • Able to use Client Launcher with ALM/Quality Center 12.55

    Hi all, As per this article ALM/Quality Center Clients Frequently Asked Questions (microfocus.com) you need ALM/Quality Center 12.60 or later to use ALM Client Launcher. But we're using ALM/Quality Center 12.55 and able to use the ALM Client Launcher…
  • ALM 15.0.1 in Edge via IE Mode - jump to other ALM instances doesn't work any more

    Hi there, we use ALM 15.0.1 in Edge via IE-Mode IN Win10 and Win11. I have an instance "Solutiontrain" from where I do my analysis views into other delivering ALM instances. After MS ended support for IExplorer we switched to MS Edge. When I try…
  • Query to pull an excel report on testcases that are linked to requirement

    Hi, Can anyone suggest a query to pull an excel report from ALM Version 12.55, testcases that are linked to a requirement.
  • How to create a business view to show failed or blocked tests without a defect link.

    I am trying to figure out how to create a business view that will show test instance with defect link info. BUT I want to see defects linked to either the run, step. or test instance. Is this possible? We don't have the ability to create excel reports…
  • Checking for open defects at Logout

    Hi, We currently have a SaaS implementation of ALM 15.5.1. We use ALM for tracking defects during go-live events, in addition to the testing events leading up to a go-live. On occasion, the command center managers that are trying to triage these defects…
  • How Can we trace moving TestSet

    Hello, Someone have moved all our TestSets to the Unattached directory :( How can I do to know (user)who moved our TestsSet pleaseeeeeeeee? Thank you
  • Why is the ability to change color in a pie chart disabled in ALM 15.5?

    Have several pie charts to see percentages of reporting, but the colors that the "default" selects is random and changes depending on the project and often not practical. Prior versions we could update the color to a rational color scheme, but in 15.5…
  • How do I add a new ldap into alm?

    I have a person in a new ldap that is not recognized by ALM. How do I add it so I can add this person to ALM.
  • How to Make default release selection for detected in cycle in ALM

    While creating New Defect in ALM - How to make a default selection release in Detected in cycle automatically.
  • Error message: "Value cannot be null. Parameter name:type"

    User is unable to login to ALM Project. Error message: "Value cannot be null. Parameter name:type" ALM Version: 12.55 Browsers used: IE / Microsoft Edge Could anyone please help me with this error message. We tried all the possible ways to…
  • From a Windows database to a Linux database

    Our customer wants to upgrading from ALM 12.5X to 16.00 and has gone from a Windows database to a Linux database. When trying to install ALM 16.0 in the new server, upgrading siteadmin schema, the wizard shows two warnings . and does not let you…
  • ALM/QC workflow and public/private

    In ALM/Quality Center Workflow Script Editor, you are able to define typical VBScript code objects: Function Sub Constant (Const) Variable (Dim) There are 12 Workflow code "modules" in Script Editor : Common, Requirements, Test Plan, Test…