ALM/QC access - use of a secondary LDAP server

A bit of the same topic as asked in e.g.  ALM/QC access - multiple LDAP authentication server but with a significant difference:
The environment has multiple 'clones' of the LDAP server, each containing the entire user directory, so as to specify a secondaty (backup) LDAP server in case the primary becomes unavailable.

From the wat I read the documentation and other responses, creating entried in the LDAP definition for both servers in such a setup would cause conflicts when importing users, etc?

Anyone who have attempted this and any experience to share regarding feasability?

Per Anders

  • Verified Answer


    The LDAP servers are independent of each other, so you can create a secondary LDAP server with the same domain as the primary one. However, since usernames are globally unique in ALM, importing users who already exist in another LDAP server will cause conflicts. To manage this, you need to refer to the ALM user management guide and decide how to handle these conflicts. Essentially, a user can only be associated with one LDAP server in ALM.

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    Thank you for confirming and clarifying.

     I presume the important conclution is highlighted by your note that:
    "a user can only be associated with one LDAP server in ALM".

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