Unable to load VAPI-XP-TEST text script to ALM test with REST API

Using REST API, trying to create a QC test with custom VB script for test type 'VAPI-XP-TEST'. We are able to create test with REST API but not able to attach a custom script with it. Not able to locate any REST API that update the storage resource that would be reference in the test.

Previously, we have done it successfully through OTA library, but REST API does not expose any equivalent functionality. We cannot use OTA library anymore since we are upgrading solution to .NET core and apparently OTA library is not supported in .Net core (64 bit).

We need to upload a script file to the storage resource, but this resource is not accessible through REST API. Is anyone able to upload custom script as part of ALM QC test through REST API?

We are using ALM QC version 17.1.

Any pointer shall be greatly appreciated. 

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    plus, since ALM 17.1 you can register OTA api for 64 bit consumption, so call OTA API from 64 bit .NET core should not be a problem.
    steps, from ALM home page <xyz/qcbin> -> Tools -> ALM Client Registration ->  Register ALM (64-bit)

    or run ALM Client Launcher with URL parameter  "?common=true&comsurrogate=true" for your ALM server url. Admin's privilege is needed though.

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    Thanks wushen. It was hard to find where client tool installs otaclient.dll. I found this dll at following 3 locations at my local machine.

    • c:\programdata\HP\ALM-CLient
    • %appdata%\local\HP\ALM-Client
    • C:\program files (x86) or Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\TDAPIClient

    I was able to use extact otaclinet.dll from one of above-mentioned folder and include in .Net core project as COM reference. After that i was able to use otaclinet library for connection and other tasks and specifically, creation of 'VAPI-XP' type of tests and upload custom script to the ALM test.

    However, i'd rather like to accomplish same tasks through REST API to avoid versioning conflict associated with otaclient. I'm able to perform all required tasks through REST API except uploading and attaching a custom script with the newly created ALM test. Could you give me some pointers and/or API that i can use to upload and attach a custom script with the test? You have mentioned that it is tedious but possible through REST, but i was unable to find any REST entity that i can use to accomplish it. 

  • 0 in reply to   

    Thanks wushen. It was hard to find where client tool installs otaclient.dll. I found this dll at following 3 locations at my local machine.

    • c:\programdata\HP\ALM-CLient
    • %appdata%\local\HP\ALM-Client
    • C:\program files (x86) or Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\TDAPIClient

    I was able to use extact otaclinet.dll from one of above-mentioned folder and include in .Net core project as COM reference. After that i was able to use otaclinet library for connection and other tasks and specifically, creation of 'VAPI-XP' type of tests and upload custom script to the ALM test.

    However, i'd rather like to accomplish same tasks through REST API to avoid versioning conflict associated with otaclient. I'm able to perform all required tasks through REST API except uploading and attaching a custom script with the newly created ALM test. Could you give me some pointers and/or API that i can use to upload and attach a custom script with the test? You have mentioned that it is tedious but possible through REST, but i was unable to find any REST entity that i can use to accomplish it. 
