ALM/QC -15.5.1 - License Usage Data

ALM -15.5.1

Hi Experts,

I am trying to understand our ALM QC's license usage. I tried using the SiteAnalysis Tab and selected (All Days as Period and Daily for Level of Detail).

This gives me some data but what i see is a upward trend which never reaches 0.

This should not be correct as our users are not constantly logged in.

The Licenses Tab shows 1200 in use but the SiteConnections tab only shows about 800 Connections of which 70% are REST API and only 30% have the Full License Checkbox.

  • Is this number correct?
  • is there a way we can calculate this via SQL Queries?
  • I tried querying SESSION_LICENSE and SESSIONS_HISTORY joined on SESSION_ID and could see several sessions with start time in Feb-24. Suspecting these are stale and need to be cleaned up. Any suggestions if we need to reset/clean these up?

Please help me understand my data or how i can assess how many licenses are being used

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