Autopass license server

Is it possible to run APLS on a windows server (Server 1) and on a Linx server(server 2) at the same time?

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    I don't think there's a restriction on the OS for APLS installation, but why do you need 2 APLS instances at a time, when a single APLS can be used to manage the licenses for multiple products (for example ALM and UFT), or the licenses for multiple instances (for example 2 ALM instances). Or is it for high availability - one as the primary node, and the other as a backup? Such a scenario is supported.

    BR, David

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    I don't think there's a restriction on the OS for APLS installation, but why do you need 2 APLS instances at a time, when a single APLS can be used to manage the licenses for multiple products (for example ALM and UFT), or the licenses for multiple instances (for example 2 ALM instances). Or is it for high availability - one as the primary node, and the other as a backup? Such a scenario is supported.

    BR, David

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