How to fetch the Requirements that are stored in Req Coverage Section under each Test Case of Test Plan using REST API?

I have tried to fetch the requirements that are stored under Req Coverage tab of each test case from test plan.

I have below URL to fetch the test case information.

I have below URL to fetch the requirement information.

But I need specific REST API URL where I can get REQUIREMENT_IDs so that I can pass it to above URL and fetch the requirement details.


  • Suggested Answer


    You can try following API


    Please note, the TestConfiguraitonID is not equal to the TestID. You could get the testConfigurationIDs first, then use the API to get covered requirements.

  • Suggested Answer


    You can try following API


    Please note, the TestConfiguraitonID is not equal to the TestID. You could get the testConfigurationIDs first, then use the API to get covered requirements.

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