OpenText 24.1: Workflow Scripts > Projects Scripts > Common scripts is not editable. Unable to add content to it.


We just upgraded from ALMQC 17.1 to 24.1, and unlike ALMQC 17.1, am unable to add scripts under Workflow Scripts > Project Scripts > Common Script: 

17.1 and previous versions of ALMQC Screen:

24.1 Screen: Am unable to add any content to the Common Script/Requirement Module Script/Defects Module Script: Its not editable. It has to be configured anywhere? Atleast in 17.1 and previous versions, that wasn't the case. Please advise. 

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. 

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    Just figured that am able to update the scripts from Desktop Client. After I saved in there. I was still not able to view the script in WebClient. 

    Is there any difference between Desktop Client and WebClient in the way QC operates? I see the options under settings page are also different between Desktop Client and WebClient. Do we have any restrictions for Desktop Client? Please confirm. Thanks. 

  • 0

    Just figured that am able to update the scripts from Desktop Client. After I saved in there. I was still not able to view the script in WebClient. 

    Is there any difference between Desktop Client and WebClient in the way QC operates? I see the options under settings page are also different between Desktop Client and WebClient. Do we have any restrictions for Desktop Client? Please confirm. Thanks. 
