Export and re-import test cases


I am trying to export test cases to excel, from ALM 15.5 update various fields and then I would like to re-import the test cases back into ALM but only update the fields I modified and not create a new test id.

I would like to ensure that all fields in the test case remain unchanged except for the ones I modified in excel..thanks much Homer

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    Hi Homer ;-)! Each test folder has a field called 'Absolute Path' which you can use for selecting a parent folder and all its subfolders and all tests those folders. 

    You should first find the absolute path of the test case folder (the kind of root folder) you are interested in and then use % in the end of the path to point the query to subfolders too.

    Example of BV DQL Query Builder:

    From test
    Right Join test_folder On test_folder.id = test.parent_id
    Left Join design_step On test.id = design_step.parent_id
    Where test_folder.hierarchical_path Like 'AAAAAN%'

    Hope this tip would help you in your export actions.

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