• ALM Quality Center - How to change username?

    I have searched the docs and community here and have not found anything younger that 14 years ago and very old versions of ALM that are related to username change. I am thinking there has to be some way to do this and retain all links to the QC data the…
  • Authentification combination SSO and LDAP needed

    Currently, if you want to use Single Sign On, you can add as fall back scenario only local authentification via ALM. Why we need a "Fall-back": As Admin I have different accounts for me as person and for admin issues to seperate the actions in the…
  • Integration to 2 factor authentication platforms

    Brief Description: Current services open to public internet require higher security and it would be nice to be able to do a two way authentication via sms / token Benefits/Value: Better security of the tool
  • Switching authentication to LDAP - "Apply to all" option for conflict resolution

    When switching authentication from ALM to LDAP, if the LDAP import wizard hits a conflict, it should be possible to select an option to resolve the first conflict, and to apply the same option to all subsequent conflicts. This would be useful where…
  • LDAP to API Key

    We have migrated to QC 16 and using SSO. we have an application which connects to ALM which was using LDAP credentials to login to ALM 15. Now after migration to QC 16 with SSO we need to use API key to login into the ALM. We don't want normal users use…
  • How do I add a new ldap into alm?

    I have a person in a new ldap that is not recognized by ALM. How do I add it so I can add this person to ALM.
  • Login to ALM with email Adress

    We need the possibility to Login to ALM with email Adress. I want to Import LDAP Users and the UserID Should be the AAD (Azure Active Directory Field) UserPrincipalName (which is the Email Adress in our Configuration)
  • ALM 15.5 Log4j vulnerability

    Hello MicroFocus team, We would need clarification if ALM 15.5 is affected by latest log4j vulnerability, and if so, is there any patch planned for it or how we can mitigate issue somehow?
  • Updating existing QC Users

    OCTCR43A70018 Customer is requesting for a possibility to update existing users in ALM via LDAP. They use the user management in quality center. If anyone want to gain access to quality center they just import them via LDAP into QC. For example due…
  • Option to find users with exact matched keyword to import using LDAP Authentication

    OCTCR43A6270 When trying to import users to ALM using the ‘Import LDAP user by keyword’ option, search with user name or email id is returning multiple records. ‘Import LDAP user by keyword’ should have a checkbox option, which says ‘Exact Match only…
  • Ability to Import new LDAP users from the project customization page

    OCTCR43A3735 Ability to Import new LDAP users from the project customization page. This should be reflected inside the project users list as well as in Site Users in Site Administration console. In other words, this will allow the project administrator…
  • LDAP: ALM should update the full name and email address of the user same as updating DN

    OCTCR43A1898 1. User does not exist in site admin 2. Project admin logs into the customization of a project and clicks 'Add New User to Site' to create the user using his lan ID (User name) and giving a dummy value for domain authentication (Keep all…
  • Auto update of user properties in ALM whenever there is domain authentication value change in AD

    Hi All, Due to user's organizational role change, if there is any change in users domain authentication (DA) value in AD (ex: CN=Mur Dan, OU=Transfer, OU=FR Paris Campus,ou=pharma,dc=vds,dc=enterprise ), that domain authentication value change is not…
  • Alm 12.0 and SSO

    Hi Does ALM 12.0 supports single sign on via ADFS? if yes how it works? Thanks
  • ALM db changes while LDAP user import

    Hi, I have noticed the following changes are made in ALM 12.55 db while importing a user from AD: USERS -> add a record USERS_AUTH_DATA -> add 2 records; (reading LDAP_SERVERS) USERS_ROLES -> add a record (optional); (reading ROLES) SEQUENCES.USER_SEQ…
  • Non-ldap username to LDAP username

    Hi Team, Here is my scenario: I am currently in ALM 11 with QC authentication. I have about 15k users whose username are Not from LDAP. Their username is like 123456789. Now, I am planning to migrate about 1200 projects out of ALM 11 to 12.21 then to…
  • ALM 12.55 CreateUserEx not able to set LDAP Authentication Server Dropdown

    I'm trying to update my Add User script that I created for 12.01 and use it in 12.55. The CreateUserEx Method doesn't seem to have changed at all so I'm able to add users, but I noticed that there does not seem to be a way to set the value in the LDAP…
  • HP ALM QC access - two LDAP authentication server

    Hello, we have two LDAP authentication server in use, let#s call them LDAP #1 and LDAP #2. In Site Admin every single user is assigned to one of the authentication server. All users who are assigned to LDAP #1 have NEVER problems when logging in to HP…
  • HP ALM using LDAP Auth requiring Encryption over HTTP

    Hi All, We are using HP ALM 11.52.724 on premise syncing our users via LDAP Authentication. We are looking at automating this process and one question we have is around the security of this Auth and how it is 'secured'. Can anyone advise whether the AD…
  • Need a filter to only lookup for username when importing user from LDAP

    Hi, I am trying to import an user from LDAP. However I wanted to optimize my search to only search against username attribute only vs the default username, fullname, phone, description. I did try to set the LDAP_SEARCH_USER_CRITERIA = username. But still…
  • QC Connection Error to LDAP server

    Hello, we need urgent help on this. Our Quality Center system is completely down, none of our users can access this tool. We are using Quality Center 12.21 in our organization. Within the LDAP connection settings of QC SITE ADMIN page, we are using our…
  • Automated ALM Profile creation on LDAP Authetication

    Hi, If HP Quality Center 12.5x is using LDAP Authentication is it possible to get the ALM profile created automatically. Reading through archived forums I saw in couple of posts it is mentioned as - on first login attepmt if the ALM Profile is not present…
  • Integration with any Identity Management Product

    Hi, Can someone help with ideas how HP Quality Center tool can be integrated with any Identity Management tool. Here are couple of options that I thought about 1. Integration using DLL/ VBS file - Most of the Identity Management apps are UNIX based and…
  • Regarding LDAP Authentication in HP ALM

    Hi Experts, We are planning to change the authentiction from Quality Center to LDAP. I have few queries before we migrate to LDAP if you all could help me getting clarified. Currently we are using HP ALM 12.53 1. what are the pre-requisites before moving…
  • Multiple LDAP in 12.12 not going through list?

    Hi all, I've created multiple LDAP connections, to 4 servers in V12. As per the documentation I would have expected this to go through the list until one is available, to test this I assigned a user to one with an incorrect password, and asked them to…