Please provide an option to totally disable the new Recycle bin functionality implemented ALM. We have already developed and implemented more comprehensive recycler solution to our ALM environment.
These changes we are looking for:
- The recycle bin folder should not be visible in Test Plan and Test Lab tree structure (now it is there as default).
- The 'Recycle and Restore' user permissions in Test Plan should not be linked to 'Test case delete' and 'Test folder delete' permissions.
- In case you disable 'Recycle and Restore' now also the delete permissions are disabled, that linkage should be removed. Delete permissions should remain.
- The 'Recycle and Restore' user permissions in Test Lab should not be linked to 'Test set delete' and 'Test set folder delete' permissions.
- In case you disable 'Recycle and Restore' now also the delete permissions are disabled, that linkage should be removed. Delete permissions should remain.
Thanks in advance.