We would like to use the “whats new page” to update our project users on what is currently available or introduce new features specific to Abbott ALM with VERA. This means that this page will be updated frequently (quarterly at the minimum), can this be done by our team?
The ALM Login Page in the current version 15.5 only supports Internet Explorer (outdated browser version) that does not support media on the widgets created on ALM Login Page. We need it to support "Edge" or "Chrome" browsers to enable this widget "What's New?" with a hyperlink to sharepoint. We did manage to create the widget on the ALM login page of version 15.5 but the image seems to not load all the time. It did load very randomly. We were also able to create a blinking message for it. But since the image itself was very unstable when loading the login page. we were not able to stabilize the blinker message. We found a way to set the message to blink for a set period "14 days". but again we were not able to set a trigger to start the message and keep it blinking for 14 days.