Idea ID: 2876664

Consistent testcase execution status

Status: New Idea

My users faced following situation which lead to an inconsistent execution status:

1) Execute a testcase within a testset with a normal run (2 Steps)
2) The first step is passed
3) The second Step is failed
4) End Run
5) Reenter the run (just open the testcase instance and open the run)
6) Change the status of the run to passed
7) after a refresh you have:
  a) Overall status = passed
  b) only one run!!! (no additional fast run)
  c) 2 steps and one is failed

Support told me this is in EXPECTED behaviour. 

So my idea is - if realy somone think the current behaviour can be usefull at all - to give us a possibility simply to avoid changing the execution status of the run manually in point 6 (the only way I know to change the status without creating an additional run).

I am not talking about creating fastruns, just to avoid to have an inconsisten status within one run!

  • I have to agree with you that there is a second possibility which leads to an inconsistency of the situation (testcases run status vs steps status).

    The definition of the need should be changed a little bit:

    Please provide a possibility to avoid changing manually a status outside of the ALM flow.

    We have to prevent users to produce such inconsitency. They have "Run", "Continue manual run" and the "Fast runs". This is more than enough and always the consistency is in place. If an admin what to allow such inconsistency it´s fine as long as we would have the possibility to allow only these thre methods without manual changes.

  • I have to agree with you that there is a second possibility which leads to an inconsistency of the situation (testcases run status vs steps status).

    The definition of the need should be changed a little bit:

    Please provide a possibility to avoid changing manually a status outside of the ALM flow.

    We have to prevent users to produce such inconsitency. They have "Run", "Continue manual run" and the "Fast runs". This is more than enough and always the consistency is in place. If an admin what to allow such inconsistency it´s fine as long as we would have the possibility to allow only these thre methods without manual changes.

  • I have been playing with permission and i havent been able to do it but i have been able to do with WF

    Here what i have updated

    Common script:

    - Disccomented  Select Case and End Select case

    - Added the next code

    Case "ManualRun"
          ActionCanExecute = ManualRun_ActionCanExecute(ActionName)

    Test Lab script:

    Adden the next code in the Run_MoveTo function

    btnContinueManualRun = False

    Manual Runner script

    - Added the next code 

    Caution! Change QATester for a group that you want to be affected, chage the warning message if you want too or update the code

    btnContinueManualRun = False
    Function ManualRun_ActionCanExecute(ActionName)
      If ActionName = "act_exec_steps" Then
         btnContinueManualRun = True
      End If
      If ActionName = "act_end_run" OR ActionName="actCancelRun" Then
         btnContinueManualRun = False
      End If
    End Function
    Function Step_FieldCanChange(FieldName, NewValue)
      On Error Resume Next
      Step_FieldCanChange = True
      If FieldName =  "ST_STATUS" Then
         If user.IsInGroup("QATester") Then
            If Not btnContinueManualRun   Then
               msgbox "Not possible change status from this view"
               Step_FieldCanChange = False
            End If
         End IF
      End IF
      'Step_FieldCanChange = DefaultRes
      On Error GoTo 0
    End Function

    updating this , people of that group will only be able to update the steps status if the click in the continue manual run button.
