Idea ID: 2876664

Consistent testcase execution status

Status: New Idea

My users faced following situation which lead to an inconsistent execution status:

1) Execute a testcase within a testset with a normal run (2 Steps)
2) The first step is passed
3) The second Step is failed
4) End Run
5) Reenter the run (just open the testcase instance and open the run)
6) Change the status of the run to passed
7) after a refresh you have:
  a) Overall status = passed
  b) only one run!!! (no additional fast run)
  c) 2 steps and one is failed

Support told me this is in EXPECTED behaviour. 

So my idea is - if realy somone think the current behaviour can be usefull at all - to give us a possibility simply to avoid changing the execution status of the run manually in point 6 (the only way I know to change the status without creating an additional run).

I am not talking about creating fastruns, just to avoid to have an inconsisten status within one run!

  • you are  updating manually a run status result

    below you have each run step status,  and it has the same behaviour

    1) Execute a testcase within a testset with a normal run (2 Steps)
    2) The first step is passed
    3) The second Step is failed
    4) End Run
    5) Reenter the run (just open the testcase instance and open the run)

    6) enter to the steps, and update manully the failed run step to Passed

    the run will still in failed status (it is the same case as your but with run steps)

    for me is a good behaviour, you are changing manually a specific entity value. you are not creating a execution with alm own flow.

    if you want that ALM put the correct result,

    -  select your instance

    - click on continue manual run

    - click on begin run again

    - click on Pass All

    - and finis the execution

    - now you will have what you asked due to you are following the alm flow


  • you are  updating manually a run status result

    below you have each run step status,  and it has the same behaviour

    1) Execute a testcase within a testset with a normal run (2 Steps)
    2) The first step is passed
    3) The second Step is failed
    4) End Run
    5) Reenter the run (just open the testcase instance and open the run)

    6) enter to the steps, and update manully the failed run step to Passed

    the run will still in failed status (it is the same case as your but with run steps)

    for me is a good behaviour, you are changing manually a specific entity value. you are not creating a execution with alm own flow.

    if you want that ALM put the correct result,

    -  select your instance

    - click on continue manual run

    - click on begin run again

    - click on Pass All

    - and finis the execution

    - now you will have what you asked due to you are following the alm flow


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