• How would be the Linux OS Build number if ALM called from Linux via REST

    Manually when we start the ALM Test Execution, Windows OS build number is fetched automatically from server side and audited in History Tab, since ALM application is on Windows machine. but we have developed a REST based framework from which ALM application…
  • Changes to test step design are not visible in audit_log table but according help they should be seen there

    According to user guide ALM auditing (microfocus.com) changes to test design STEPS would be visible in the AUDIT_PROPERTIES and AUDIT_LOG database tables. But when I change a test step (e.g. edit the expected result) that is not recorded to there. Maybe…
  • can I delete entries in the audit log or audit properties table

    I would like to understand if we can delete/update the entries in the AUDIT_LOG and AUDIT_PROPERTIES tables . If yes , How to restrict deletion/updation of entries in these tables
  • How to get Testcase History (Baselines & Audit Log) by OTAClient API

    Can someone please let me know how to get test case history(Audit logs and baselines entries) through OTA Client Java API(com.mercury.qualitycenter.otaclient.ITest). Thanks.