Version control API for check out and check in gives 500 status code in version 24.1


I am using the HP ALM QC version 24.1 via rest API.

While updating the requirement I call the check out API first.
Then after updation I call check in API.

But check in and out API gives me 500 status code.

For example:  Failed to check-out requirement with id 63. or Failed to check-in requirement with id 63


  • Suggested Answer


    Check out :

    post  -> http://<hostname>:<port>/qcbin/rest/domains/<domainName>/projects/<projectName>/requirements/63/versions/check-out

    Check In :

    post  -> http://<hostname>:<port>/qcbin/rest/domains/<domainName>/projects/<projectName>/requirements/63/versions/check-in

    request body:

        "CheckInParameters": {
            "Comment""check in from rest",

    Please try this. 

    If you still get error, please share more error messages.