Assigning a variable to a Project Report filter

We have a Project report with 3 sections, Failed Defects, New Defects, Closed Defects. Each one has a filter assigned based on Version, Failed = Planned Closed in version; New=detected in version; Closed= Closed in version. When we generate a report for the next version, we need to adjust each filter to query the correct information. 

Question: is there a way to assign a variable to a filter? 

For example: using the script when I select the report an input message box would appear asking for the version number. This data would then be assigned a variable to be used in the filter.

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    Hello Barry,

    I believe you can consider utilizing parameter functionality to automate value input in report filters. By using the script editor in ALM, you can display an input box before generating the report, prompting the user for the version number. This input value could then be assigned to the filter parameters. However, I want to emphasize that this is merely a suggestion. There is no explicit example in the ALM guides to implement this, and it requires a solid understanding of code development, particularly in VBScript and workflow implementation.

    If you think this functionality would enhance the ALM product, I recommend submitting it as an idea for consideration. This could potentially lead to its inclusion in a future version of ALM. 

    Best regards,

    Bernal Salzar

    OpenText Customer Support Agent | ALM

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Good Morning. I've been busy working on other projects. Right after I posted my question I went into the workflow and assigned a variable to a number just to see if I could assigned. Below is the code.

    Sub AnalysisItem_MoveTo
      On Error Resume Next
         dim strVer
         strVer = 2
         msgbox "'strVer' = "&strVer
      On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub

    With the msgbox I can see the variable is assigned to the variable. However when assigning the variable in the filter the report turns up empty. I have 3 items in the versions list; 1, 2, & 3. Keeping it simple.

    It appears the value is not relating to a value in the versions list in the db. Is there a way to assign a value from the Versions list within the script? I took the ALM/QC Advanced scripting class back when HP owned the product and there's no mention in the documentation.