Workflow to change Detected on Date to current date on the new Defect created on COPY AND PASTE of existing Defect.

Not finding much information on COPY and PASTE of a Defect in Desktop Client workflow commands/syntax.
I have looked at 'Sub Defects_Bug_New' workflow and tried adding something to this effect..


but this is not changing anything ... the defect detection date is exact copy of the source...

Would like to automate the change on paste so the date is the data of the copy event.

Any point in the right direction is appreciated!

  • Suggested Answer


    bad new for you

    i have been playing with the ALM 17 WF, and when you do copy and paste, ALM does not  call any WF functions.

    a possible  solution, you can create a button and to copy defects  with it

    a fast workaroud

    select the created defects, right button and update selected options.

    seledte detected on date and put your date

    then click update and all  seleted defects will be updated.