For SSO enabled ALM, what is the object for CreateUser in SA API ? I need field like "Identity key" to be populate

Hi All,

What is the object to add a new user in SA API where SSO is configured ? We have a few extra fields like below.

I tried createusr and createusedex but they dont have below fields identity key and identity provider name to populate.


  • Verified Answer


    If you are using SA API in your SSO enabled ALM, you have to 1st create a user and update/ set the properties of user. Below are the object.

    a) CreateUser

    b) SetUserProperty

    Dim myitem As String 
    Dim saReply As String 
    Set SaApi = CreateObject("SAClient.SAapi.9")
    myitem = SaApi.CreateUser(user's_username, User's_fullname, user's_emailaddress)
    saReply = SaApi.SetUserProperty(user's_username, 11, user's_identity_key)
    saReply = SaApi.SetUserProperty(user's_username, 10, idp_name)

    Note: for detail user properties:

    • SA_USER_US_IDP_NAME (value: 10)
    • SA_USER_US_IDENTITY_KEY (value: 11)