Unable to trace ALM/repository directory for 17.1 or 24.1 versions. Having problems migrating from 17.1 to 24.1. Need help.

Hi All,

Am very new to QC, and we have an existing QC instance with 17.1 version. And I am working on upgrading Microfocus 17.1 to Open text 24.1. Am basically upgrading on the same machine. Am unable to take a backup of ALM/repository directories to restore projects after upgrade. 

These are the steps am following: 

1. Take backup of 17.1 by doing these two:

a. SQL Server > DB > Project > tasks > backup. 

b. ALMQC SiteAdmin page > Projects > Export to project file. 

2. Uninstall the 17.1 version.

3. Install 24.1 version with "Upgrade a copy of the existing schema" option. 

4. Am stuck at upgrading the projects now. If I access the old projects or upgrade them via UI - it says schema version is different, so its failing. 

24.1 installer doc talks about dbid.xml file, and I cannot trace where it is. 

Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.

  • Verified Answer


    Can you attach a screenshot of the error.   Something doesn't line up in your description of the steps.

    If you did an in-place upgrade, and the project DBs are still on the same SQL server, then the Verify Project, Repair Project and Upgrade Project tasks should function.  Can you confirm whether you ran the verify project task against these projects and whether they ran without errors.

    The dbid.xml file is stored under each project's repository folder on the file server. It would only be relevant to this situation if you had moved the projects (db or repository) to a different server or location.  If that isn't the case, then the dbid.xml file should be fine as is.

    Machine Data Systems, Opentext business and technology alliance partner

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    Thank you for the quick response @Milan

    I actually did not specify few details like OS Upgrade, SQL Server Upgrade, etc. 
    I had my ALMQC running in Windows Server 2012, and I had to upgrade that to supported versions for 24.1. As part of that that process, I kind of messed up with the DB. And my upgrade was picking the older versions of Microfocus DB. 

    So, when I verified/repaired/upgraded projects in the UI, it showed me an error saying there is a schema difference between the projects. And that was the problem. So, I had to re-do it, and things went fine after that. 

    Thanks for your help anyway. Appreciate it.

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    No problem, glad that it worked out.

    Machine Data Systems, Opentext business and technology alliance partner

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