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Webinar: Enable continuous delivery with Micro Focus Deployment Automation and ALM Octane


In order to meet the needs of the new normal, IT teams are being asked to do more with shrinking budgets. So, it’s now more important than ever to enable automation in the deployment processes across your pipeline environments. Using standardized methods will increase both the speed and quality of application releases.

Join us as we showcase Micro Focus Deployment Automation to add continuous delivery to ALM Octane CI/CD Pipelines on July 30, 2020. Chris Christian from Bon Secours will showcase how he leveraged ALM Octane to accelerate testing cycles and launch test automation initiatives.

1.Creating graphically designed deployment processes to move your product through your pipeline environments from Development through QA and into Production.

2.Using Deployment Automation to establish governance and stage gates around specific environments to improve the quality and security of your deployments.

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