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Manual test structure in ALM vs ALM Octane


To make things simpler and support free text editing of manual tests, we changed the model a bit in Octane.

The new model is more free form and allows the user to add multiple preparation steps (or none) followed by multiple verification steps if needed.

For those used to working with one of each, it is possible to continue working in exactly the same way:

Test in ALM:

Step #



Step 1

Select an item

Click “Add to cart”

The cart item changes to indicate it’s not empty

Step 2

Go to cart

The cart contents page opens and you can see a single item


Equivalent in Octane:
Step description becomes a regular step and Expected becomes a validation step

Step #


1 (Step)

Select an item

Click “Add to cart”

2 (Validation Step)

The cart item changes to indicate it’s not empty

3 (Step)

Go to cart

4 (Validation Step)

The cart contents page opens and you can see a single item


Each validation step can then be marked with a passed/failed status in the manual runner.



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