Idea ID: 1673716

Copy Workspace

Status: Archived

This idea got too big, with too many scenarios.

We broke it down into several ones for which we already provided the appropriate status.

Please vote for the ones you consider:

 Create a new workspace with the customization of an existing one (same shared space) 

 Extract a set of workspaces from a shared space into a new empty shared space 

 Copy/Move a workspace from a shared space into an existing different shared space 

 Archive a workspace 

Also consider the existing options regarding the export and import of a space, or export and import the customization of a space:

See status update history

Should be possible to:

Copy workspace to another location..

  • Isolated workspace to other Isolated workspace
  • Shared workspace to other Isolated workspace


  • Use this for testing out functionality with needed data
  • When a workspace within a shared workspace has the need for doing more changes which cannot be done within the shared workspace limitation


  • Hi, you can use Shift start from version 24.1 to duplicate your workspace 

  • I totally agree with  , since the copy is at a single entity level & export/import will miss certain key attributes, like History, comments, attachments, linked entities/relations. why the octane is missing one of its core feature to perform, which the restore of workspace with out deleting the original, & clone a workspace in the same space/other isolated space. it is restricting the lot of ongoing opportunities in the current different organizational way of data handling.   Please have this implemented. i don't see a downside of this functionality but rather not implementing it.

  •  The solution you describe is only a solution for tests, which can be copied only between workspaces of the same shared space. And the export/import of the entities unfortunately does not take into account attachments and comments. But the attachments and comments are also important parts of the items.
    We need a solution for all possible Item-Types (Epic, Features, Backlog-Items, Tests, ...) including all fields (also comments and attachments) also for copying between workspaces of different shared spaces.

  • Hi  ,

    The Backup and Restore of a workspace functionality will not be delivered in 16.1.200.

    Still, it's scope is to restore a corrupted workspace, so during the restauration, the original workspace will be deleted.

    In the use case described by you, the copy/move tests and user stories between workspaces of the same shared spaces can help, or the export/import of the entities to excel.

    Kind Regards,


  •  Please see my answer below