• Some Covering Tests missing from Requirement Export and Cannot Perform Reverse Navigation from Some Covering Tests back to Related Requirement

    I am using ALM Octane and notice when I export some requirements using REST API 'Get' or export some tests to .CSV or .XLS not all covering tests are included in the export. For example: Req ID 123456 'Test Coverage' field shows a total…
  • data table delete via api?

    Is there a way, via the API, to delete a data table? It seems one of my data tables have way too many data sets (around 30+) and is making my application crash whenever I try to load it unto a test (to delete it) so I need to know if its possible to…
  • PUT request doesnt work with multi values list field

    Hello everyone, here is a question related to updating of list fields with PUT method, where multiple values are enabled. It works when I update this filed with 1 entry (regardless of presence or absence of this entry in the corresponding list), but…
  • Octane Rest API permission denied : Issue with deleting an entity of type "scm_branch"

    Hello everyone, I am an SDET and currently working with the REST API in Python/Postman. I have been able to perform a PUT operation with an HTTP REST API call to a particular endpoint. I created a pull request with 2 branches, then deleted the pull…
  • PUT example updating custom phase

    Hello, i would like to update phases via Rest API. It is easy when it comes to system phases, but it gets quite complicate when they are custom. Id are there but it is not possible to know which phase exactly it is. Do you have maybe a PUT example on…
  • How to check my username for developer?

    Hello, I'm new for ALM Octane and now I'm using ALM Octane Developer Tools from a below link. https://marketplace.microfocus.com/appdelivery/content/alm-octane-developer-tools I have an issue with Username/Password that I cannot get information from…
  • Rest API to update last run/native status in manual tests/test suites in ALM OCTANE 16.0.400

    Tried using the following API"s to update the status in manual tests/test suites : PUT /shared_spaces/{shared_space_uid}/workspaces/{workspace_id}/test_suites PUT /shared_spaces/{shared_space_uid}/workspaces/{workspace_id}/manual_tests None of the…
  • TestRunner result - Xml Validation with Xsd has failed (cannot find the declaration of element 'testsuites')

    Hello all, We have created a TestRunner for Postman (Newman) in Bamboo. We have also successfully integrated this and we can also run our Postman tests. Just to make it clear: The tests were injected into Octane via the pipeline module. We use the task…
  • Field from entity is visible on Octane page but not in Interactive API or Postman

    Hi Team, There's a field on Work_items entiity which is visible on Octane Webpage called "phase_age", this field shows how many days the item has been on the current phase. Through the developer console we got the following information from the request…
  • Octane REST API - how to add an URL Attachment?

    Is there any way to add URL attachment to the feature module via rest api ??
  • can i know what's role needed in workspaces log_history endpoint.

    I need your help regarding rest API endpoint. when I have call below endpoint that time giving only "type": "history_log" output almoctane-apj.saas.microfocus.com/.../history_logs Response: { "total_count" : 3 , "data" : [ { "type" : "history_log…
  • Octane REST API - how to create an URL Attachment?

    I have been studying the Octane REST API documentation for attachments here Developer Help>The REST API>REST API basics>Attachments However, it does not specifically indicate how to POST an URL attachment. I created an URL attachment on a Defect by…
  • How to use API to request entities of a favorite?

    Dear ALM Octane Team, I can create a favorite and get the link of the favorite: https://octane.net/ui/favorites/20000?p=1/1 Is that possible to use the API to get the Test Suites or other entites of the favorite? This link https://octane.net/api…
  • REST API - Get Defects with query filter - Java

    Hello all, I am trying to filter the defects by specific conditions, and I can get the results in Postman but the same is not working when I try to implement through Java using jersey client. Client restClient = Client . create (); WebResource authRes…
  • Analyze the ALM Octane API with the ALM Octane Developer Tools

    Hi, As a developer using the ALM Octane REST API you might find this useful: The ALM Octane Developer Tools help you analyze the REST API of your specific ALM Octane environment. Did you know ALM Octane has more than 190 different entities? And…
  • How to filter tests by Application Module and sub-modules at all levels?

    Should be possible to apply query to REST API call, so that it filters all tests linked to Application Module and its sub-modules at all lower levels. Expecting the same result as with UI when pointing to Application Module with "Show only direct descendants…
  • Updating a suite run report with the REST API ?

    Hello, When I click RUN on a test suite, Octane triggers my test runner (a Jenkins Job), and Jenkins triggers another tool. With Jenkins and a Junit report, I'm able to send a suite run report ... The thing is I don't want to use Jenkins to send the suite…
  • Uploading attachment - results in Bad request (400)

    Hi, I am trying to upload a simple text file to a manual test with test ID 30014 using Rest API in python. But every time i try to call the Requests.post it result in HTTP error 400 Bad request. I have tried several things but nothing seems to work. I…
  • What's new in ALM Octane 12.55.9

    The following new features and enhancements are introduced in ALM Octane version 12.55.9. In this topic: What's new video Usability Backlog Pipelines Security testing integration (technical preview) Settings REST API Vist the ALM…
  • ALM Octane Hackathon

    The world of applications is ever-changing. We know that speed and quality of app development is often priority number one for organizations, but with continuing evolution of app development, the need for trailblazers who provide better and faster processes…
  • Welcome to Octane REST API

    We in Hewlett Packard Enterprise R&D are pleased to see you visiting this forum dedicated to ALM Octane REST API . As we strive to build an integrated and open management platform for all lifecycle artifacts, the integration with various internal applications…