• Templates for BDD Specifications

    While creating a BDD specification, I could choose to use a template for this test. The template seams to apply only for input fields displayed on add form. I'm searching for a possibility to use Gherkin templates, containing usual steps at beginning…
  • Feature file name is not being updated in Octane

    I have set up TeamCity and Octane so that the Gherkin tests can be started in Octane and after the job runs, the results are also showed in Octane. This was working well and I could start the jobs over the pipeline or over a test suite. When starting…
  • Sharing report results TeamCity to Octane

    Hello, I am not being successful in sending my xml report from TeamCity to ALM Octane. I have followed the documentation on https://admhelp.microfocus.com/octane/en/16.1.100-16.2.100/Online/Content/AdminGuide/how-setup-testing-integration.htm . …
  • bdd2octane not reporting all the features

    Hey guys! I am trying to send my tests results to ALM Octane, but I am facing a problem. I have two features running but only one is present in the xml generated by bdd2octane (Runner_OctaneGherkinResults.xml) My cucumber xml has the two features…
  • Is there a limit on the length of a Cucumber feature for BDD injection in Octane?

    Hi We have one cucumber feature with 257 lines and 16 scenarios When we try to add it in a octane pipeline to be injected as BDD content, it does not work, and i n the builds tab, appears the next message: Test injection failed We divide the …
  • Do you know when octane-cucumber-jvm will be adapted to the last stable cucumber 7.0.0 ???

    Now octane-cucumber-jvm plugin enables to uploading cucumber-jvm tests back into ALM Octane. But now it's compatible with cucumber 4.8.1, created at january 2020 Do you know when it will be compatible with last stable cucumber 7.0.0? Many thanks…
  • Jenkins moving the test results created with octane-cucumber-jvm to octane: Found outdated file

    Hi all, We are using an Automation project with Cucumber 4.8.1 Selenium 3.141.59 com.microfocus.adm.almoctane.bdd (octane-cucumber-jvm) 1.0.0 Jenkins and Automation Tools plugin version 7.0 We have a pipeline in Octane joined to the job in Jenkins…
  • Cucumber formatter for Ruby projects

    Hi, I'm wondering if you are planning to release a Ruby version of octane-cucumber-jvm? Or do you hane any recommendations for those willing to use Cucumber Ruby as the BDD framework? Thanks. Best, Alberto