Templates for BDD Specifications

While creating a BDD specification, I could choose to use a template for this test. The template seams to apply only for input fields displayed on add form. I'm searching for a possibility to use Gherkin templates, containing usual steps at beginning of a test script. How could I achieve this?


	Scenario Outline: 
		Given application is started
        And user is logged in
		When user navigates to "PAGENAME"
		Then page "PAGENAME" is shown

		| param1 | 
		| a      | 
		| b      |

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    Hi Tonia

    This is a good question.

    BDD Specification is indeed not part of the template. So currently, it is impossible to have the BDD specification created automatically.

    In addition, the specification cannot be updated using a business rule.

    I suggest that you will submit this as a suggestion in Idea Exchange and vote for it.