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Octane Rest API permission denied : Issue with deleting an entity of type "scm_branch"

Hello everyone,

I am an SDET and currently working with the REST API in Python/Postman. I have been able to perform a PUT operation with an HTTP REST API call to a particular endpoint.
I created a pull request with 2 branches, then deleted the pull request using the UI, but I am unable to delete the branches with the UI or with HTTP requests.

I am trying to delete an entity of type "scm_branch". However, when I try to do so, I receive an error message saying "Current user is not authorized to perform this operation." The error message indicates that I do not have the necessary permissions to perform this operation.

I would like to know what permission level is required to delete an entity of type "scm_branch". Are there any settings or switches that I need to activate in order for this to work?

Here's the code that I used to try to delete the branch:

/api/shared_spaces/27001/workspaces/6001/scm_branches => 


def createPullRequests(payload,Cookies):

    payload = json.dumps(payload)
    headersRelation = {
        'content-type': "application/json",
        'accept': "application/json",
        'ALM_OCTANE_TECH_PREVIEW': 'true',
        'hpeclienttype': "HPE_MQM_UI"

    responseRelation = requests.request("PUT", urlRelation, data=payload, headers=headersRelation, cookies=Cookies, verify=False)

    return responseRelation

def delete_branch(cookies ,branch_id):
    headers = {
        'content-type': "application/json",
        'accept': "application/json",
        'ALM_OCTANE_TECH_PREVIEW': 'true',
        'hpeclienttype': "HPE_MQM_UI"
    delete_url = 'https://'+server+':'+port+"/api/shared_spaces/"+shared_space+"/workspaces/"+workspace+"/scm_branches/1001"
    response = requests.delete(delete_url, headers=headers,cookies=cookies, verify=False)
    if response.status_code == 204:
        print(f"La branche {branch_id} a été supprimée avec succès.")
        print(f"Erreur lors de la suppression {delete_url}de la branche {branch_id} : {response.text}")
delete_branch(Cookies ,'1001')

Error message : 
"description":"Current user is not authorized to perform this operation.","description_translated":"User <Octane Python Wrapper> does not have enough permissions to perform <delete> operation on resource <scm_repository>.","properties":{},"business_error":true}

Thank you in advance for your help.