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IT Operations Cloud
Steps to manually uninstall AccuRev on Windows
How to manually deinstall AccuRev on the Windows operating system?
If you tried to uninstall AccuRev with no success via:
Add/Remove Programs
Executing the Uninstall AccuRev application located under
C:\Program Files\AccuRev\UninstallerData directory
You can manually remove the C:\Program Files\AccuRev directory and remove any registry entries found in the Registry Editor. To find these entries, run the command "regedit" from the DOS prompt. In the Registry Editor, click on Edit, Click on Find, Enter "accurev" the in Find What, and make sure keys, values and data is checked. You only need to check in HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
It is recommended that you backup the C:\Program Files\AccuRev directory prior to doing this just incase you need to restore this information.
For more information contact AccuRev Support