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Generating an 'accurev diff' GUI from within the WebGUI


Is it possible for a user to generate the "accurev diff" URL from within the AccuRev WebGUI?

Yes, it is possible to generate this type of a URL from within the AccuRev WebGUI. The following is an example of the URL:


Also, the below is the breakdown of the diff URL:

1. depot=3

Depot number 3, this is NOT the depot slice number; you can get depot number information from the AccuRev GUI, Admin -> Depots.

2. name=classlinklogin.c

The file element name you are diffing.

3. filePath=\phoenix\classlinklogin\src\classlinklogin.c

The AccuRev pathname for the file element name you are diffing.

4. stream=19

The stream number involved in diff; you'll need to get the stream name from 'accurev show streams' for the specified depot with stream#19.

5. v1=19\3

The diff from version

6. v2=19\2

The diff to version

7. view=diff

The link is from diff operation

8. eid=479

File element classlinklogin.c EID number.

For more information contact AccuRev Support

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