DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Launching Visual Studio after upgrading/installing the Visual Studio AccuBridge fails with the following error.
Package Load Failure
Package "Accurev.Package05.AccPackage, AccPkgVS05, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" has failed to load properly (GUID = {123456-FE330-3E4R-345DR5TB7}). Please contact package vendor for assistance. Application restart is recommended, due to possible environment corruption. Would you like to disable loading this package in the future? You may use "devenv /resetskippkgs" to re-enable package loading.
Perform the following steps to resolve this issue.
1. Install the current Visual Studio AccuBridge.
2. cd into <accurev install dir>\bin directory and register the accurev05.dll.
Run the command:
regsvr32 accurev05.dll
For more information contact AccuRev Support