• How to populating e-link targets?

    I am trying to populate a folder that contains an e-link to an element in another folder. Lets call the e-link in the first folder the "link" and the element in the other folder the "target". Right now, if I pop all the contents of the folder containing…
  • AccuRev and Linux

    i am using a yocto build for my custom linux kernel. i want to have AccuRev get my modified files, the issue is i have several folders with my files in them that i want, but there are also folder that yocto creates and when yocto bitbake builds it creates…
  • VS2015 support?

    Has anyone heard any news about Visual Studio 2015 support, or managed to modify the VS2013 plugin to support VS2015? VS2015 has reportedly fixed the bug in previous releases which caused elinked/hardlinked files to be corrupt when modified with the Studio…