• Change number of results in Comparison page in Find

    Hi, When I compare two saved searches in Find, I am able to see the first 30 results but I don't see any way to go to the next page to see the next results. I know this is not a functionality implemented in Find and that 30 is hardcoded. We have the…
  • Convert GPS information from JPG files to be used in Find Map Visualization

    Hi, We have jpg files with gps latitude longitud information like this: - Lattitude: 52; 4; 54.0000000000000213 - Lontigude: 4; 19; 15.600000000000307 This becomes to this metadata when igested by IDOL: <PART_FILE_META_GPS_LATITUDE>52° 4'…
  • Search for text in specific metadata fields in Find

    Hi, Is there a way to search for text in specific metadata fields in Find? I mean, to perform a FieldText query from Find ( https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/idol/IDOL_24_1/Content_24.1_Documentation/Help/Content/Part%20-%20Results/Retrieval…
  • ViewServer Error 500

    Hello. I'm having trouble displaying documents in Find. In the Find settings, the test for the ViewServer service runs fine, but when I open the document I get an error 500. When I download the file, it is damaged.
  • RE: Get parametric list from IDOL API

    As mentions, the IDOL logs can be helpful anytime you're curious about how a particular task is being done, as current IDOL UIs make use of the same APIs that are available to users. For parametric functionality, you'll want to take a look at actions…