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Social Media Connector Documentation

I have taken over supporting an application that uses the IDOL social media connector version 10.10.0. I am looking for documentation on how the social media connector works so that I can start to architect a way to upgrade the connector. Is there any documentation available on how the 10.10.0 social media connector works.


  • Suggested Answer


    Hello Trent, 

    Unfortunately the Social media connector was discontinued long ago. I don't see it in my archives so it has been gone for some years now.

    Which social media repositories are you scanning and what is the version of the other IDOL components that you use?

    We have several connectors for this type of repository, Twitter, Yammer, YouTube, etc. We also have a Web Connector used for sites with a general web interface.

  • Suggested Answer


    Hello Trent, 

    Unfortunately the Social media connector was discontinued long ago. I don't see it in my archives so it has been gone for some years now.

    Which social media repositories are you scanning and what is the version of the other IDOL components that you use?

    We have several connectors for this type of repository, Twitter, Yammer, YouTube, etc. We also have a Web Connector used for sites with a general web interface.

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