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Get parametric list from IDOL API

How do I get a list of values of a parametric field in IDOL using one of the HTTP commands?


Scenario is that I have 100M records in IDOL with a parametric field called APPLICATIONNAME.  I use a customized version of the  Find UI.

Within FindUI you can select the parametric field as a filter and view all of the field values in the "Select parametric filters".  How is this specific query done?  I can't find an obvious action in the IDOL documentation.  The QUERY action doesn't seem to have this ability.

Below is an example of how the FIND UI list all the unique values:


  • 0

    Have you looked in the IDOL query logs to see what queries were run?  You may be able to get your answer there.

  • Verified Answer


    As mentions, the IDOL logs can be helpful anytime you're curious about how a particular task is being done, as current IDOL UIs make use of the same APIs that are available to users. For parametric functionality, you'll want to take a look at actions referring to "Tags":

    • GetTagNames will return a list of available fields
    • GetTagValues will return the values within a field specified with the FieldName parameter
    • GetQueryTagValues will return tag values within documents returned by a given query (Text and/or FieldText)

    So, in your case, you'd want to try something along the lines of /action=GetTagValues&FieldName=APPLICATIONNAME

  • 0 in reply to 
    Shot. Works perfectly.
  • 0   in reply to 

    For future references, if you want to see how any APIs are called from Find after an action has been "fired". Goto the component be it content, agentstore or community and perform a GRL action. So, in the case of content.


    You will a list of all the actions fired in the last x time period. See image below. 
