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Ignoring electronic document because content indexing is suppressed on Archival Folder records. Fix?

I ran the IDOL Index in HPE CM > Administration > Records. The file folder only contains few documents, like less than 1k of documents, but the indexing is taking a long time to finish. When I open the logs I see the message "Ignoring electronic document because content indexing is suppressed on Archival Folder records."

What does it mean? 

How will I know from the logs to which folder/container is it indexing?

Thank you

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    What status do those records currently have? Is their disposition set for archive or disposal?

    If so, then there is likely a setting in your IDOL that is set to skip records for indexing that are in the archival state.

    As for the slowness you might need to examine if you have the correct hardware configuration for IDOL processing. It might need a support case logged so we can take a closer look

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    What status do those records currently have? Is their disposition set for archive or disposal?

    If so, then there is likely a setting in your IDOL that is set to skip records for indexing that are in the archival state.

    As for the slowness you might need to examine if you have the correct hardware configuration for IDOL processing. It might need a support case logged so we can take a closer look

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