• Convert GPS information from JPG files to be used in Find Map Visualization

    Hi, We have jpg files with gps latitude longitud information like this: - Lattitude: 52; 4; 54.0000000000000213 - Lontigude: 4; 19; 15.600000000000307 This becomes to this metadata when igested by IDOL: <PART_FILE_META_GPS_LATITUDE>52° 4'…
  • Search for text in specific metadata fields in Find

    Hi, Is there a way to search for text in specific metadata fields in Find? I mean, to perform a FieldText query from Find ( https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/idol/IDOL_24_1/Content_24.1_Documentation/Help/Content/Part%20-%20Results/Retrieval…
  • Social Media Connector Documentation

    I have taken over supporting an application that uses the IDOL social media connector version 10.10.0. I am looking for documentation on how the social media connector works so that I can start to architect a way to upgrade the connector. Is there any…
  • Last modified date of a Word doc

    I'm trying to access the last modified date of a word document which was ingested from SharePoint. The content server provides a "last modified date", but that's the date when it was changed on the SharePoint itself, not the meta-data of the document…
  • MediaServer_12.12.0_LINUX_X86_64_RHEL8FIPS.zip is not fount

    There is no MediaServer_12.12.0_LINUX_X86_64_RHEL8FIPS.zip in IDOL 12.12 release.
  • NiFi Media server size in 12.12.0 is much smaller than the one in release 12.8

    The media server in IDOL release 12.12.0 is much more smaller than the one in IDOL release 12.8.0: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.8G Mar 1 2021 ../../IDOL12.8.0/LINUX/MediaServer_12.8.0_LINUX_X86_64_RHEL7FIPS.zip -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 407M Jul 20 10:10 NiFiMediaServer_12…
  • "NiFi Media server on RHEL8FIPS" not found in IDOL 12.12

    Hi All, Good day! I want to download "NiFiMediaServer_12.12.0_LINUX_X86_64_RHEL8FIPS.zip", but he only found the following three artifacts, and did not find "NiFiMediaServer_12.12.0_LINUX_X86_64_RHEL8FIPS.zip". ----------------- NiFiMediaServer_12…
  • ViewServer Error 500

    Hello. I'm having trouble displaying documents in Find. In the Find settings, the test for the ViewServer service runs fine, but when I open the document I get an error 500. When I download the file, it is damaged.
  • RE: Does the 12.7 version of the Web Connector include built-in Lua functions?

    Hi , The particular lua functions you mention, and related sections of the documentation, are specific to a certain set of connectors. The Facebook and Instagram Connectors, along with a few other social media-related ones, use APIs to obtain data that…
  • RE: Get parametric list from IDOL API

    As mentions, the IDOL logs can be helpful anytime you're curious about how a particular task is being done, as current IDOL UIs make use of the same APIs that are available to users. For parametric functionality, you'll want to take a look at actions…
  • RE: Specific people access to application using IDOL,Omnigroup and sharepoint connector in backend

    For the intended users, do they actually have different rights to files in the SharePoint repository, and if so, do you need these to be reflected in the search results? Document Security, as the name implies, exists to enforce access controls at the…
  • Support Tip: Generating diagnostic bundles

    Are you having issues with your IDOL Server (or an IDOL component), and want to gather up files to send to support for analysis? If the component in question is running, and it’s a recent 10.x release, you can use the admin interface to generate a diagnostic…
  • Support Tip: CFS -- What's with all these kvoop processes?

    Are you running a Connector Framework Server, and seeing multiple kvoop processes? Are you wondering what these are, and whether seeing so many of them is a problem? The kvoop process is the KeyView Out-of-Process module. It provides CFS with functionality…