Hi all, I'm almost new in CFS usage. I'm triyng to add some lua script in the configuration of CFS at startup. I did it and all is ok, problems arose when in my script I use some external extension like luasocket, or luaXML.
In Idol 11 - CFS directory I found lua_ide_files directory with lua53.exe and DLL binary and I downloaded and configured luarocks package manager to install external packages compiled against these binaries. All went ok, but when I use my script with "require" luasocket and luaXML I obtained the error:
25/03/2018 10:01:59 [1] 70-Error: Task (type: POST) failed with error: Lua: Lua error multiple Lua VMs detected
So I missed somthig :-).
The question is: Is it possible to create scripts for CFS that use external modules? If yes, how can I add external modules to lua pre-installed IDE in CFS?
Thank you very much for any advice,