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Upgrade RM8.3 to MF CM9.3.1.300 IDOL, can we copy old IDOL Indexes


We are doing the TRIM upgrade HPE RM8.3 to MF CM9.3.1.300 and I am intersted in one thing:

Do we need to reindex everything (In HPE RM 8.3 we have 15 Mil Documents in 3 IDOL Indexing engine's Indexes ) or we can copy the old Indexes to a new infrastructure and just configure the new 3 IDOL Servers to continue the content indexing





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    Hello PerthRM8!

    Unfortunately I don't have a very specific answer for you but here some feedback that I got from internal team:

    "For indexes that are tied to other applications, like TRIM/Records Manager/Content Manager, we’d usually advise customers to check with the support teams for those applications, as there may be best practices for these that differ slightly from those for standalone IDOL environments. Customers may even have specific upgrade steps or utilities that they can provide.

    In general, IDOL (or more specifically, the Content Engine component) is capable of upgrading the indexes generated by older versions. However, there are a few caveats:

    • Moving between major versions of IDOL (e.g. 10 to 11, or 11 to 12) may require adjusting the configuration files. Specific requirements will be in the upgrade sections of the newer IDOL release notes. There usually aren’t any config changes required for minor versions (e.g. 12.0 to 12.1, or 12.2). 
    • The usual upgrade method is to drop in the newer IDOL executable libraries/executables over top of the old ones, rather than to move/copy the indexes. While the latter might work, customers must ensure completeness.
    • That said, using the method from (2), there’s no downgrading allowed. Once Content Engine upgrades the indexes, they won’t be usable by older versions if they need to move back. Please ensure that you have got valid backups!

    Customers don’t necessarily need to reingest from the original document repository, even if they choose not to do an in-place upgrade of the indexes. The preferred upgrade method is to export the data from the Content Engines using the DREEXPORT* family of commands (the specific one will depend on whether documents were indexed as IDX or XML) and reindex via the DREADD command. This usually avoids any need to make configuration changes, and may in some cases lead to a more optimized index structure. Depending on what customers are thinking of when referring to “reindexing”, this may be less time/resource consuming, but is probably still more intensive than allowing the newer Content Engine to upgrade the index directly."

    I hope that this is still helpful information but again, we’d suggest that this is run by Content Manager support for any specific requirements you may have.

    OpenText Community Manager
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    Thanks for replying, much appreciated.

    We will do some more investigation, and will let all know if / when we succesfully integrate the old IDOL Index with the new 9.3 one.

