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Failed to start Tomcat after installation IDOL

Hello there !

I'm just download via Evaluation & Demo License Download Portal MicroFocus Idol ver 12 (IDOLServer_12.0.0_WINDOWS_X86_64.exe) for testing some features and demonstration for customers. After fresh installation IDOL 12 on Windows Server 2016 Tomcat service doesn't start. So I couldn't even get access to Idol Site Admin interface. I collected some logs, hope it helps to resolve an issue.

I don't have a SAID number because of demo eval license and hope that community give me a suggetion to solve this problem.



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    I think you also install Find or SiteAdmin , they will use port 8080 .

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    You didn't note what version/flavor of Java JRE/JDK that you're using.

    It looks like you may have a license key issue - per win logs.txt file that you shared.
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    Hello Pavel_S,

    Please try upgrading your Java and see if that allows Tomcat to start successfully.


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    AFAIK, Java 8 (don't use anything higher, yet) is required.    I believe the system PATH since the FIND/ISA services are probably being used to run the service needs Java in it, but not certain.

    The siteadmin.err.log suggests the Java version (use ONLY 8, JRE should suffice) is your problem.  The documentation does say JAVA 8, last I looked (at 12.3 docs).