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action=list not returning a complete list

My database shows 14000 documents

When I do an export I get 14000 documents (same number as shown in the console)

However when I ask either the IDOL Content Server or QMS I receive 9954 results. The documentation says specifying MaxResults=0 is Infinite.  I've also tried 15000 and still I get 9954 results.


I've done a comparison between the two result sets and I have not found a reason why approx 1/3 of the items are not returned.

Is there a way, other than doing an export, to get a full list?  Is there a way to do an export and get the results through the REST call and not written to disk?

  • 0  

    Hi Bowker,

    It wasn't clear where you were getting some of the numbers in your post. 

    In your list command you were targeting one database, do you by chance have more than one DB in your content engine? This could be one reason for the discrepancy.  Something else to consider, some of the totals in the web pages or action commands also count sections and deleted documents. 

    Does action=list get the same result as the list command you posted?
    Have you tried the export and just target the one DB?
    Have you performed an validate and/or compact recently?


  • 0 in reply to   

    Does action=list get the same result as the list command you posted? - Yes

    Have you tried the export and just target the one DB? - Yes

    Have you performed an validate and/or compact recently? - No, not a validate.  Can you help me with the command(s) to do the validate?

  • Verified Answer

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    Hi Bowker,

    Please make sure you have a good backup before you proceed.

    Browse to http://server:port/a=admin

    I've added 2 duplicate documents here.


    Documents and Committed Documents show different values.

    On the lower-right you'll see Sync/Compact.


    Select sync, then you'll see Validate and Compact


    Select Validate (choose what you want to validate) and select OK.

    The bottom of the screen we show progress, please wait until it's finished. 

    Then Select Compact, again please wait until everything is finished.

    If duplicate documents are what is causing the discrepancy, you'll the numbers match.


    Command Documentation: Actions/AdministerIndex/_IX_DREVALIDATE.htm

    If you are still seeing the same issue please open a ticket with support.

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    I think it's better - thank you.  The doc vs. committed doc count was off by about 25%.

    Now they're the same.